Week 2. ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’.
Week 2. ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’. [Luke 23.43] Jesus’s is an outward focused life. He is there for others from the very beginning, caring for them, telling them about the God who created them, and who loves them. It should come as no surprise then that at the end his first two words from the cross ‘Father forgive them’ and now ‘Today you will be with me in paradise’ offer his listeners some comfort, if only they would listen! His words on this occasion are for the penitent on the cross but they resonate with us also as we share in that promise of our presence in the presence of God. What is paradise? When we imagine the afterlife we use the language of Heaven, but the theologian Paula Gooder has called this into question as in the Revelation of St John we read that we will be in the presence of God, in the New Creation. (The old Heaven and Earth having passed away, and the dwelling place of God being in the midst of his people.) Paradise then...