Seventh Word: 'Into your hands I commend my spiirt'
‘Into your hands I commend my spirit’. [Luke 23.46] These words from Psalm31.5 are used daily in the service of Compline, whereas we come to the end of the day we commend out spirit to God, entrusting ourselves to his care. At the end Jesus does the same. There is nothing more for Jesus to do, his earthly work and ministry is completed, now he enters into the silence of the Sabbath rest. But Christ’s sabbath rest is far from peaceful, as he enters into death, so he descends into Hell there to harrow it, to bring to light the souls of the righteous. So to it is for us a time not of silence but of preparation, as we prepare for the glory of Easter Sunday and the singing of the words ‘The Light of Christ’ as the newly lit Paschal Candle is brought into the dark and silent church. Note on Palm Sunday's Passion reading. At Mass on this Sunday (Palm Sunday) we will read St Matthew's narrative of Christ's Passion. As part of this reading we hear the Jewish crowd ...